Bella Health provides Primary care, Preventive care, Reproductive health, Adolescent health education, and Health awareness services

Our Services

Health Care Services

Bella Health is dedicated to provide its target area with all preventive care measure. In order to enable every child to grow healthy and free from all diseases we have been providing them with vaccination for MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella), Typhoid and Hepatitis B. Bella organizes Immunization each month to make sure to reach out to maximum children from our target areas

Maternal and Child Health

This program offers age- and culturally-appropriate reproductive health information in a safe environment to adolescents who come from poor and middle-income families in North India. The classes cover topics ranging from puberty, anatomy, pregnancy, STIs and RTIs, unhealthy habits, violence and sexual assault.

Adolescent Health Education

To achieve the full life-saving potential that ANC promises, a minimum of four visits will be provided which include: Identification and management of obstetric complications, such as preeclampsia, tetanus toxoid immunization, identification and management of infections including HIV, syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections,

We Support following causes

We provide wide range of services to make sure that our beneficiaries have access to all required health care services.

Bella Health is dedicated to provide its target area with all preventive care measure. In order to enable every child to grow healthy and free from all diseases we have been providing them with vaccination for MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella), Typhoid and Hepatitis B. Bella organizes Immunization each month to make sure to reach out to maximum children from our target areas.

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